Pro Deo Et Patria (For God and Country)
The Ten Basic Principles of Jose P. Laurel
1. I believe in one Eternal God, Creator and Sustainer of the Universe.
2. There is no power but of God: The powers that be are ordained of God.
3. I am a Christian and as such hold that every man is man’s brother and equal. I am against any discrimination on account of race, creed or color.
4. Man lives in a triple world: physical, intellectual and moral. To live a purposive and fruitful life he must abide by the laws that govern this triple world.
5. The foundation of good government is morality: The basis of morality is righteousness which is divine.
6. Freedom is a divine endowment and is not a matter of grant or concession by the earthly powers that be.
7. The fruitful enjoyment of freedom does not depend upon any fixed political formula but upon the observance of freedom’s own inherent limitations.
8. The essence of republicanism is popular representation and control. Republicanism vitalized by state socialism is the best form of government for the Filipinos in this epoch.
9. Until the unity of religion is achieved, the Church and the State must remain completely apart and separate.
10. Not mere material prosperity or physical prowess but intellectual development and moral perfection should be the Goal. National planning is essential if the Philippines is to extricate herself from her present condition of helplessness and puppetry and if she is to play a more effective role in the moral integration of the world and the establishment of universal peace.
– Pro Deo Et Patria
Ang Bayan Higit sa Lahat (The Country Above All)
The Nationalist Thoughts of Jose P. Laurel
» The foundation of good leadership is morality, and the basis of morality is righteousness… righteousness means devotion to truth and justice; it is fortitude and benevolence; it is courage in action.
» What we need as a people is a renovation of our sense of values, a re-awakening of our moral sensibilities, a turning back to the old but simple Christian principle of caring for the welfare of others…
» The crying need of the hour for economic well-being and security–bread with freedom, liberty with security–will then be met, as it must, but always through the means and exertions anchored on respect for the worth and uniqueness of the individual in an organized society.
» In the midst of confusion… the Filipino youth are called upon to take a vigilant and militant attitude towards public questions confronting the country and contribute in their own way to the formation of a vigorous and courageous public opinion.
» In the Philippines… we have abundant resources, gifted to us by a generous Providence, we have idle manpower by the millions, we have a population… which our land and resources can comfortably sustain. The challenge to this generation, therefore, is to put our available manpower to work on the resources of the country to produce abundance enough for all, but also in the fullest atmosphere of freedom. The most that we can do… is to be able to launch and assist in the best way we can our young champions of integrity and patriotism, of genuine love for the common people… As they strive ceaselessly in unselfish dedication and with the good of the greatest number steady in their mind’s vision, I am confident that they will succeed.
Jose P. Laurel’s Filipinism
The Political Philosophy of Dr. Jose P. Laurel
Filipinism is the assertion of one’s national birthright with patriotism defined as love of country as a primary element. It takes the form of a passion for self-development alone. A colonized people cannot hope to be developed by its masters except along lines that suit the vanity and cupidity of the masters. For a nation to find itself and its souls and achieve its God-given destiny, it has to develop itself with as little help from outsiders as possible.
The supreme ideal is to have one flag, one heart, one soul, one language.
An outstanding attribute of Filipinism is civic duty and social responsibility motivated by national self-respect. By loving justice and greatness, the people must make themselves worthy of reforms then effectuate the necessary reforms and finally make sure that the sun of liberty shines undimmed over the whole nation.
Filipinism means to make a deep and thorough study of the social and economic problems of the self-help efforts.
For Filipinism to prosper…
We must drink deep from the rich stream of Philippine history.
We must study the lives of Philippine heroes like Mabini, Rizal, Bonifacio, Tandang Sora, Del Pilar, Lopez Jaena, Jacinto, Luna, Burgos.
We must love and appreciate Philippine traditions.
We must make ourselves familiar with Philippine geography, economy, society, and politics.
We must study, learn, appreciate, and love our country, the Philippines, together with her culture, and all she stands for.
Filipinism is the universality and love for the common people. It is the mainspring of all good Filipinos’ efforts to bring about social, political, and economic reforms.
Filipinism is incorruptible love of country and people, the courageous taking up of the cause of the people and heedful of their cries, uniting of one’s self with them.
No other people can love the Philippines better than the Filipinos themselves.
Jose P. Laurel on Democracy and Constitutionalism
The essence of republicanism is popular representation and control. Republicanism vitalized by social control for the promotion of the people’s welfare is the desirable government for Filipinos.
What secures to a representative democracy its popular character is the ultimate control that the people possess over their government. This implies not only the adoption of a clean, honest, and wise electoral system, but the political education of the citizens that they may intelligently participate in the affairs of government.
Popular government in order to fulfill its mission must be grounded on the fundamental proportion that the state exists for the individual and not the individual for the state.
Republicanism can only compete with communism successfully in a country like the Philippines by centering its efforts principally on the wide though fairly concrete area of social justice and social economic reforms.
Jose P. Laurel on Morality
The basis of morality is righteousness. Righteousness is neither passion nor affectation nor ardor. However vaguely or inaccurately defined, righteousness implies devotion to truth, justice, and goodness.
Righteousness is the key to brotherhood among men and to lasting peace among nations. It is the moral guide for the individual whatever his religion.
Government without morality is gangsterism or banditry. Law is that which differentiates between good and evil between just and unjust. It is law which safeguards honor, lives, liberties, and estates.
A live sense of social responsibility displays itself in man’s square dealings and fairness in his social and economic relations with his fellowmen; shows itself in human sympathy and concern for others’ welfare; it is against exploitation, oppression, extortion, profiteering, plunder, and any anti-social practices.
Social justice means the promotion of the welfare of all people, of the adaptation by the government of measures calculated to insure economic stability of the component elements of society through the maintenance of a proper economic and social equilibrium in the interrelation of the members of the community. Social justice must be founded on the recognition of necessary interdependence among… diverse units of society and of the protection that should be equally and evenly extended to all groups… It is neither communism nor despotism nor atomism nor anarchy, but the humanization of laws and the equalization of social and economic forces of the State.
Is it not true that as a result of the government’s falling into the hands of men who have little respect for the Constitution, all the safeguards placed in this charter against the evils in the public service have now been breached and that as a result, the stability of the state itself suffers?
In the end (in a program for national survival) we come back to the primary essential: good government, honest and efficient administrators, a regime of justice, integrity, and high sense of patriotism.
Jose P. Laurel on Freedom
Freedom not slavery nor subjection nor subservience to the will of another is the natural God-given status of a man and of a nation.
A nation fights for independence and tries to achieve the maximum of safety, and not only because it is its God-given right to be independent and free from molestation but because, without freedom and security it does not have full opportunity to work out its own destiny nor will it have fair and ample opportunities to develop its own resources for its own benefit, and the capabilities of its citizens for their happiness and success.
The fruitful enjoyment of freedom does not depend upon any fixed political formula but upon the observance of its inherent limitations.
To live a purposive life, man must abide by the laws that govern his physical, intellectual, and spiritual-moral life.
Jose P. Laurel on Nationalism
Love of country is not shown by words but by deeds… not an occasional virtue to be exhibited now and then. It is an unflinching determination to serve and defend one’s country at all times and at all costs.
A nation will not long endure if it is wrought in the midst of foreign and exotic ideals. Just as a tree will not grow straight, strong, and luxuriant unless it is native to the soil and air, so a nation will not acquire girth and strength unless its roots are planted deep in its own traditions.
Nationalism should not be permitted to degenerate into jingoism or anti-foreignism or a fanatical rejection of foreign influences that are useful, desirable, and conducive to speedier economic progress or to the surer preservation of free institutions.
We, the Filipinos today, are a free people. We should think and act as free men not freed men. We must confidently and courageously depend upon ourselves… fully assume the grave responsibility of seeking, devising, carrying out, and maintaining what’s best for our people.
Jose P. Laurel on Leadership
Government is duty-bound to safeguard the health of the people, to render justice to all, to provide adequate defense and security, extend equal opportunities for advancement of all who are under its jurisdiction, to promote international cooperation and encourage universal education.
Leadership must exist because it is vital to society… necessary for the immediate welfare of all the component elements of the society.
The Leader must lead towards definite objectives whether material or spiritual. It is not merely a command and obedience. The leader confines himself to people, lives with them, understands them, and develops and progresses with them. His ideas must lead, but his heart must follow.
The foundation of good leadership is morality and the basis of morality is righteousness. The true leader neither tolerates nor connives with those who easily fall prey to the temptations of wealth, power, and glory. He is devoted to truth and justice, fortitude and benevolence, courage in action…
The Cheerful Teacher
Teaching is a noble profession.
A selfless teacher toiling uncomplainingly, diligently in abnegation makes ours a happy world.
At break of dawn, this meek moulder of man’s character faces the day with renewed faith and enthusiasm in his noble mission to enlighten the plastic minds of the youth of the land.
At dusk, when the day’s work becomes a prelude to another, a teacher smiles with pride and in solid contentment–for he has unselfishly contributed his just share to the cause of PUBLIC SERVICE.
In the deep silence of night, he burns his oil for the next lesson plan that will forge man’s primitive instincts on the anvil of learning and equal opportunity.
Within the four walls of the classroom, he radiates wisdom, understanding and cheerfulness, by destiny, he is a maker of future citizens.
And like Him, unswayed by misgivings, “unawed by opinion, unseduced by flattery, undismayed by disaster”, a cheerful teacher leads a full life of love, courage and Christian hope.
A teacher has every reason to be cheerful,
He has a beautiful soul.
All honor to Him!
A Friendly Advise
Be reserved, but not sour;
Grave, but not formal;
Bold, but not rash;
Humble, but not servile;
Patient, but not insensible;
Constant, but not obstinate;
Cheerful, but not light;
Rather, be sweet-tempered than familiar;
Familiar, rather than intimate;
And intimate with very few, and on
Good ground with all around you.
Several Quotes of Jose P. Laurel
“How must we love our country? Not by words but by deeds.”
“Truthfulness, honesty, justice, and charity are the qualities of the man of character.”
“In work lies our salvation as a people.”
“A nation must be moved by the forces of its own dynamic moral energy.”
“… The leader must be a learner and have a passion for truth and reality.”
“The foundation stone of all governmental structures is law and order.”
“Education is necessary for the people’s happiness and progress.”
“We must strengthen the moral fiber of our youth.”
“Honesty is the only dependable hallmark of goodness.”
“If we are to succeed it is necessary that we develop self-reliance, courage and perseverance.”
“Character is life dominated by principles.”
“We must live by the sweat of our brow.”
“National greatness never springs from the cult of ease or self-complacency, but from the crucible of grim struggle and patient industry.”
“We should realize that national and individual progress can only be attained through work, more work, and more hard work.”
“Progress is impossible without individual and social discipline.”
“Without discipline, a people will lose its right orientation and perspective, and may never garner the long fruits of its toil.”
“The seeds of moral discipline must be nurtured from within… not from without.”
“Honor is closely associated with virtue and finds its most sublime expression in defense of the purity of womanhood.”
“The holding of a public office is not an occasion for personal enrichment or aggrandizement but an opportunity for public service.”
“Leadership without faith, is idolatry, nay, opportunism.”
“A true leader can impart vigor and vitality and inspire the highest obedience from the people.”
“More than anything else mankind… needs faith.”
“The paramount needs of our people today are bread and freedom.”
“The dignification of the human personality should be the paramount concern of the state.”
“No government may claim to be successful if a large portion of the population is suffering from malnutrition and is prey to deficiency diseases.”
“Without law and order, all government deserving of the name must necessarily fall to the ground.”
“If exercised with purity and noble purpose, suffrage is the security of popular government.”
“A Godless education is an end without a beginning.”